telephone+33 5 65 21 51 41
Sales Exclusive to Professionals
Our bargains : Boxes for Chocolate Cardboard, Wood, Bamboo

Rectangular black and white sweet box with separation insert and separate lid 23x7.5x3.3 cm
Rectangular black and white sweet box with separation insert and separate lid 23x7.5x3.3 cm

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Rectangular black and white sweet box with separation insert and separate lid 23x7.5x3.3 cm

out of stock Out of stock
Dimensions in cm : 23 x 7.5 x 3.3
Number of items / package : 48
Sold in package of 12
Stock available : 0 pieces

Unit promotion price bef. tax : 1,00 €
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+33 5 65 21 51 41
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